Volunteer Complementary Therapist

Vacancy details

  • Contract (minimum of 1 year)
  • Voluntary
  • Stratford-upon-Avon

The Shakespeare Hospice is welcoming applications from volunteer complementary therapists, wtih a minimum of two years post qualification experience.  You must have a baseline anatomy and physiology qualification and ideally have a minimum of two therapies to offer a variety of treatments (Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Massage Therapy, M-Technique, Meditations).  We ask for a minimum commitment of a year, a term-time only option would be accepted.  

Working with a wide range of patients, carers, pre or post-bereaved and staff, the work is hugely rewarding and uplifting, and you will be well supported within your role.  Although our volunteers give their time freely, we can offer in return training, a sense of being part of a team and helping to grow our new complementary therapy service. 

Click here to read the full role description. 

Click here to download the application form

For further information, including details of how to apply, please contact Tracy Ames, Volunteer Coordinator, on tames@theshakespearehospice.org.uk